Please Note: Current inventory levels cannot be displayed live on the web store. If there is an item(s) from your order that is out of stock or no longer available, our customer service team will notify you as soon as we are aware with next steps and options for moving forward. Thank you!

PE Uniforms

Physical Eduction uniforms are required for all MS students and any US students enrolled in Strength and Conditioning. US students enrolled in Fit for Life do NOT need to purchase a PE uniform. Each student will need a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, as seen below. Please use the white boxes to write your student’s name on the apparel.

NOTE: To save on the full cost of shipping to your home, you are welcome to take part in a group shipping order to the school for orders placed from July 28th - August 3rd only. Once the shipment arrives at CHA (likely the first week of school), we will alert you and will send uniforms home with students.

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